With just 14 days until the season starts for Manchester Storm, preparations are in full swing to welcome the boys home! Pach has done a phenomenal job pulling the team together, and through your support of our OSC Events and Kit Club, we the fans are doing our bit to ensure the team is fully equipped to be the best it can be for the coming season.
Now #SupportYourHero is undergoing an upgrade!
This season the OSC are sending out a request to all Storm Fans to #SupportYourHero2.0 and help us to furnish a few of the Storm houses.
Items that we are looking for are:
- Mattress (double)
- Bed Frames
- Bedside Furniture
- Wardrobe
- Chests of Drawers
- Kitchen/Dining Table and Chairs
- Sofa
- Lamp
- Hoover
GM, Neil Russell, had the following to say, “This time of year is always manic getting all the players houses signed off and ready for their arrival. We have secured excellent properties for the team ahead of this season, but I want the guys being as comfortable as possible in their new surroundings, so if you the fans can help loan a few household items to help add some furniture to a few of the properties for the duration of the season, we’d be very grateful”.
All items donated will be lovingly looked after by the boys, and will be returned with our thanks at the end of the season.
So can you help? The boys will start arriving into Manchester next week. All donations would need to be available straight away, and we can make collections if reasonably close to the rink.
If you have anything to offer, please email oscmanchesterstorm@gmail.com starting the subject with SYH2.0.