EVENT: Own And Loan Jersey Holders Night
NEXT HOME GAME: The Go Goodwins Manchester Storm face the Fife Flyers at the Storm Shelter on Sunday, 6th March (5pm face-off). Tickets can be purchased online by clicking here, calling the box office on 0161 926 8782 or direct at the box office.
The Manchester Storm are happy to announce that we will be hosting an event at Jack’s bar in Silverblades Altrincham on Wednesday 23rd March (8pm-9pm) for all our Own and Loan Jersey holders. Here the Own and Loan Jersey holders will be presented with their jerseys from the respective player.
This event is a perfect chance to get final pictures and signatures with your sponsored player. Own and Loan Jersey holders are also more than welcome to bring their families to the event.
To confirm your attendance, please email freddie@manchesterstorm.com