OSC: Update from the Official Supporters Club
PRE-SEASON TICKETS: The Go Goodwin’s Manchester Storm are pleased to announce that tickets for our 2017 pre-season games against the Sheffield Steelers & Coventry Blaze are now available to purchase. Tickets can be ordered online by clicking here, by calling the box office on 0161 926 8782, or in person at the box office.
Like many volunteers associated with the Manchester Storm Organisation, the Official Supporters Club (MSOSC) has also had an extremely busy off season!
We have met with the new Storm ownership team, potential new sponsors, viewing alternative venues for social events and shaping plans for the coming season. All this whilst having regular weekly meetings with General Manager Neil Russell to make sure our plans are aligned with his vision for the upcoming season.
In addition, over the summer, the MSOSC has successfully hosted the “Fan Forum” evening at the Cresta Court, the hugely popular “Quiz Night” at Shooters Bar in Manchester and the Summer Games & BBQ at Timperley Sports Club.
If we cast our minds back 12 months ago, the volunteer based Steering Group was set up at the beginning of the 16/17 season by Neil Russell. The vision was to offer a range of exciting opportunities for fans to get more involved with the club on a social level, through the provision of events which included Storm players being in attendance. Our primary goal was to provide support to Manchester Storm through the organisation of these events, and to raise funds that go directly back to the club to support the ongoing running costs and development of an Elite League Team.
I think most fans who attended one or several of the events would agree the inaugural season was a success. Not only were the events organised and executed with minimal issues, but the MSOSC also got more involved in a whole host of new areas for the club! We introduced the very popular fans “Player of the Month” award, a range of new merchandise including commemorative pucks, clapping hands, signed merchandise etc, and towards the end of the season, we started managing the Go Goodwin’s StormForce service which ran several coaches to away venues. At the end of last season, the MSOSC handed over ALL monies raised to the club, and this money helped facilitate several offsite player team building events, supported the visit of Brad Rubachuk and his family to the UK, and the ongoing running costs associated with the team.
Like any voluntary Steering Group, individuals will come and go, and the MSOSC is no different. Firstly, a big thank you to Alan Johnson. Al will be especially remembered for the organising of the very first Quiz Night held at the Station Hotel in Altrincham which was a huge success, plus the provision of the fans favourite “Shoot the Puck” inflatable introduced at last season’s Summer Games, which we hope will soon be rebranded to full Storm colours.
Brian Ashton also left the group having focussed his efforts last season jointly managing the volunteers with Richard Evans and coordinating the successful match night sales team selling Chuck A Puck, 50:50 and Shirt Off The Back. Brian has this year been asked to provide his excellent selling skills in the club shop on match nights which has now been taken over by the Manchester Storm and will be managed by Storm Equipment Manager, Neil Herring (aka Kip).
So, after numerous discussions and careful consideration by Neil and myself, two new volunteers were asked to join the Steering Group for this season. Andrea & Kev Thompson were invited and I am personally pleased that both accepted the challenge. They bring with them many qualities which I know will make them assets to the group. And just like the other members of the Steering Group, Andrea & Kev are fully fledged season ticket holders! #6GamesFree 😊
This coming season proves to be equally exciting whilst challenging year for the MSOSC. Our aspirations are to provide more events for the junior and teenage sections of our fan base, whilst keeping most of our events available for families to enjoy! We are also looking to add the occasional one off event like ladies’ night (open to both women and men) and a proposed golf day later in the season. On top of the events, the MSOSC has been asked by the Storm Management Team to operate the match night games for the upcoming season, plus we have listened to our fans and developed some new and exciting merchandise that will become available soon.
To give you a taste of what will be on offer next season, you will have already seen the announcements concerning the “513 Lottery Club”, “Storm Force” and “Membership”.
- With regards to Storm Force, Coach Finnerty and the team are keen to have as many fans at our away games this season as possible, so we encourage you to book early on the coaches which are scheduled to run to Coventry, Sheffield and Braehead.
- The 513 Lottery Club is a lottery organised by the MSOSC, which runs from September to August every season. The specific aim of the 513 Lottery Club is to generate valuable funds for the benefit of the players (for example flights to and from certain games and special equipment to help with the player equipment e.g. Skate Ovens or tumble dryers). Manchester Storm has over 1500 fans built up inside a couple of seasons, and the club’s hope is that each individual or family would subscribe by purchasing at least one number every season. Apart from raising valuable funds to enhance the team’s chances of success on the ice, the Lottery Club gives YOU an opportunity of winning some fabulous cash prizes!
- OSC Membership has been very well received and brings an exciting package of benefits to our fans including discounts on travel, merchandise and event admission.
But that is not all that will be new this season. Soon to be announced will be three new exciting match night packages which will include a “Mascot” package, “The Ultimate Fan Experience”, plus the “Storm Bench Warm Up” package. More detail to follow, but we are sure these will prove extremely popular for your child’s birthday or Christmas gift and/ or that special gift to reward them for something special they have may have achieved.
And don’t forget the Kit Club! The best way for YOU to help support your favourite players and your club! For a small fee, you can sponsor almost ANY part of a player’s equipment. In return for your support, you will receive a SIGNED PHOTO of you and your sponsored player of choice, a SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATE, and you will also be NAMED ON YOUR SPONSORED PLAYERS PROFILE on the official Manchester Storm website as recognition of your kind gesture.
This season we will continue to utilise the space below Block 113, and will be easily distinguishable with our new Manchester Storm Purple Table covers, our new 50:50 & “Shirt Off The Back” ticket booths located by the GM’s office and the Skate Hire Shop, plus our new FiveOn3 official OSC T-shirts, along side our new display stand which will be advertising all of our events and packages.
So, as you can see, this year proves to be a huge challenge for everyone in the MSOSC. Please get behind all of our events and match night packages, everything we do is for the benefit of our club. We look forward to seeing you all at the Cresta Court Hotel on Tuesday 22nd August for “Meet The Players”. If you haven’t secured your ticket as yet, please do so ASAP, they’re selling fast.
Please keep checking http://manchesterstorm.com/manchester-storm-official-supporters-club/ for regular updates and make sure you follow @Mcr_StormOSC on Twitter and like our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/McrStormOSC/.
PRE-SEASON TICKETS: The Go Goodwin’s Manchester Storm are pleased to announce that tickets for our 2017 pre-season games against the Sheffield Steelers & Coventry Blaze are now available to purchase. Tickets can be ordered online by clicking here, by calling the box office on 0161 926 8782, or in person at the box office.