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Learn To Play Ice Hockey With The Storm
NEXT HOME GAME: The Go Goodwins Manchester Storm face the Dundee Stars at the Storm Shelter in Altrincham, this Saturday 6th February (6:30pm face-off) in Elite League action. Tickets can be purchased online via the club website, www.manchesterstorm.com, or by calling the Box Office on Tel: 0161-926-8782.
How would you like to learn to play ice hockey with the Storm?
The next FREE 6 week Learn To Play ice hockey with the Manchester Storm course starts on Wednesday 24th February 2016 9.15pm. Skates, Helmet, Sticks and gloves will all be provided for free. The Courses are for people aged 17 and over.
Please register your interest at http://www.silver-blades.co.uk/page/sportivate/Altrincham, places are limited!